Our Promise to Include Everyone🌈✨

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As June arrives, many organisations display rainbow-coloured logos as a sign of support for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and the celebration of our unique differences. This year, we want to go beyond just changing our logo and make a real impact by actively getting involved, educating ourselves, and supporting our LGBTQ+ community. Bridgend’s Pride […]

Our First Development Outside Bridgend

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We’re excited to announce the beginning of our very first development project outside Bridgend. In partnership with Castell Group Ltd, we’re set to build high-quality, energy-efficient affordable housing in Porth, Rhondda Cynon Taf, addressing a critical need for new homes in the area. Our project site is a brownfield location that once housed the YMCA […]

Gathering Insights from Customers with Protected Characteristics on Reporting Repairs

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We want our services to be accessible and inclusive for everyone. As part of our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) outlined in our EDI Roadmap, we have launched a project to better understand the experiences of our customers with protected characteristics when they report repairs to us. We want to hear about your […]

Your Opinion Matters: Complete Our Rent Survey Today

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We are committed to continuously improving our services and ensuring that your experience with us exceeds your expectations. Your feedback plays a crucial role in helping us understand how we can better serve you and the community. That’s why we’re reaching out to you today to invite you to participate in our rent survey. Your […]

#LoveYourStreet: Join Us in Tackling Fly Tipping Together

Published on: In the categories:General, Sustainability

We understand that fly tipping has been a concern for many of you living in our communities. That’s why we’re taking steps to address this issue head-on with our new initiative, #LoveYourStreet.  This campaign is all about action and community engagement, featuring a year-long skip amnesty. We’ll be visiting 12 estate areas over 12 months […]

Farewell to retiring Chair of Valleys to Coast

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Valleys to Coast has bid a fond farewell to its retiring Chair of the Board, Anthony Whittaker. Anthony has stepped down from his role after five years at the helm – a time during which he has supported Valleys to Coast to go from strength to strength. Anthony joined Valleys to Coast in 2019 after […]

A new wave in property services has arrived

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Our new property repairs and maintenance company has launched today (April 2, 2024) promising to bring dependable, refreshing and consistent services to you, our Valleys to Coast customers. Llanw, part of the Valleys to Coast Group, will provide property services for over 6,000 homes across the Bridgend borough. The company’s name means tidal in Welsh, […]

Engage with us at our Community Pop-Up Events

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We are launching Community Pop-Up events starting next week and throughout April. Our aim is to introduce Llanw to our communities, encourage trust, and establish lasting relationships before our official launch on Tuesday, April 2nd. It’s not just about making our brand recognisable; it’s about ensuring that our customers feel informed and included in our […]

Welcoming our new Chair of the Board

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Amanda will join Valleys to Coast in April, bringing with her a wealth of experience from her career in housing, care and support services alongside board positions at the heart of Welsh regeneration and charitable causes. She will step into the shoes of retiring Chair Anthony Whittaker, who bids farewell to Valleys to Coast after […]

Six Exciting Apprenticeship Opportunities with Llanw!

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Llanw, our new repairs and maintenance company is thrilled to announce six exciting apprenticeship opportunities within our organisation. Following interest from our trade colleagues willing to mentor and support apprentices, we have extended our commitment to aspiring individuals who display exceptional drive and work ethic. In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week, we took our dedication […]