We want you to know that we take your concerns seriously, and we try our best to resolve them quickly and informally.
Sometimes things go wrong, and you may consider raising a complaint.
When to use our complaints policy
If we have failed to deliver on a service and you’re not satisfied after raising your concern with the colleague you’ve been dealing with.
How do I raise a complaint formally?
You can raise your complaint in any of the ways below:
- Contact us on 0300 123 2100
- Email us – thehub@v2c.org.uk
- Send us a direct message on Facebook at ‘Valleys to Coast Housing’
- Use our website by choosing the live chat option, or fill in this form and choose the ‘making a complaint’ option from the drop-down menu.
Copies of the policy and complaints form can be provided in other languages or as audio or in large print if requested.
How will we deal with your complaint?
- We’ll formally acknowledge your complaint within five working days and tell you how we intend to deal with it
- We’ll ask you how you’d like us to update you about your complaint
- We’ll handle your complaint sensitively, in an open and honest way
- We’ll make sure your future dealings with us don’t suffer because you have made a complaint
- We will adopt our Complaints Journey
Things to know about the investigation
We’ll tell you who is dealing with your complaint, and we’ll confirm with you the desired outcome of the complaint. The person looking at your complaint will usually need to see the files we hold relevant to your concerns. If you do not want this to happen, you must tell us.
We aim to resolve most complaints within 20 working days. If your concern is more complex, we’ll let you know how long we expect it to take and why.
The person who is investigating your concern will firstly aim to establish the facts. In more complex cases, we may draw up an investigation plan, ask you to meet with us in person or suggest mediation.
The outcome
Following the investigation, we will let you know of the outcome and explain why we reached our conclusion.
If we did not provide a service you should have had, we will aim to provide it now, if that is possible. If you have lost out as a result of a mistake on our part, we will aim to put you back in the position you would have been in if we got it right.
If we do not succeed in resolving your complaint, you may wish to complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales by calling 0300 790 0203.
The policy will not apply when:
- you’re approaching us for a service for the first time
- you’re appealing a decision based on a policy or procedure that has a separate right of appeal
- issues are in court or have been heard by a court or tribunal
- a complaint has already been concluded. If you are still not satisfied, it will need to be raised with the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales