We are delighted to be supporting the Summer Reading Challenge in Bridgend, which was launched on July 8th by Awen Cultural Trust.

The aim of the Summer Reading Challenge, which has been run by the Reading Agency in partnership with public libraries since 1999, is to encourage children to read at least six library books over the summer holiday, in order to prevent the ‘dip’ in literacy levels while the schools are closed.

This year, it is hoped that the theme of ‘Ready, Set, Read!’ will not just inspire young people to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure, but also those associated with sport, play and physical activity.

To encourage this across the Bridgend area, children who register at Fun in the Park or any of Awen’s libraries will receive 25% off selected Halo activities including family swim sessions, JumpInGym indoor soft play, bouncy castle/soft play sessions, family racket sports and café purchases.

Following the launch, libraries across Bridgend will run a series of science and innovation themed events over the six-week break, which have been funded by the Welsh Government’s Summer of Fun programme, in partnership with Bridgend County Borough Council.

These will include YouTube workshops for 6 to 14 year olds, Mad Science workshops, dance workshops and Drag Queen Story Hours – all details are available on the Awen Libraries website (www.awen-libraries.com) and social media.

Richard Hughes, Chief Executive of Awen Cultural Trust, said:

“Developing and retaining children’s literacy remains a key priority for us and the Summer Reading Challenge offers a fantastic opportunity to keep our young library members engaged with books in a fun and creative way. We also know that the summer holidays can be an expensive time for families looking for ways to keep their children entertained so, thanks to the kind support of our partner organisations and funders, our library activities are frequent and free.”