As of April 1st, we have changed how we survey our customers’ homes.

Our Assets and Energy Surveyors will now be completing all of the necessary assessments in one visit, giving Valleys to Coast the best possible picture of the properties we own, and minimising future interruption to our Customers.

Previously, when our Assets and Energy Surveyors came out to conduct surveys on homes, they carried out reviews as and when they need to be completed. We will now be completing all of the following checks at once:

● EPC Rating
● Stock Condition
● Retrofit Energy Efficiency Potential

This survey will take approximately 150 minutes to complete, and our Surveyors will need access to the whole property, including loft spaces and gardens.

When complete, we’ll be able to give customers information about the energy saving potential of their property.

Valleys to Coast will also have a much better ability to plan future works, and to keep our customers informed and engaged in the journey to Decarbonisation.

The Welsh Government has set ambitious energy efficiency targets for homes, relating to their EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating, minimum EPC ratings are to be raised to EPC C by 2029, and EPC A by 2033.

Any questions? Get in touch!