We want our services to be accessible and inclusive for everyone. As part of our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) outlined in our EDI Roadmap, we have launched a project to better understand the experiences of our customers with protected characteristics when they report repairs to us.

Video explaining our EDI approach

We want to hear about your experiences, how you contacted us, any challenges you faced, and how we can improve our services to make the process easier for you.

Our goal is to identify what we’re doing well and use those practices as benchmarks. We also want to pinpoint areas needing improvement to develop better practices for the future.

This project focuses on the following protected characteristics:

  • Disability
  • Under 25s
  • Undergoing gender reassignment
  • Race, religion, belief, and those with English as a second language, with a focus on Eastern
  • European cultures
  • Sex in relation to safeguarding

We are conducting conversations both in person and over the phone to gather your insights. As a token of our appreciation, you will have a chance to win a £50 gift voucher in a prize draw. The survey will close at 5 pm, Friday 7 June 2024.

If you or someone you know can provide valuable insights, please share this survey with them. Thank you for helping us improve our services for everyone.